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Cheryl works tirelessly for improving community safety within the Royal Borough of Greenwich.  She is the Chair and Trustee of Safer Greenwich, represents Neighbourhood Watch on the Safer Neighbourhood Board and sits on the Independent Advisory Group.  Amongst other activities she chairs her local Safer Neighbourhood Ward panel and has set up the Youth IAG within Greenwich.  As you can see she has a passion for Community and the safety of residents across Greenwich.  She is very proud to work for the Neighbourhood Watch Network, who support Neighbourhood Watch across England and Wales as their Head of Membership & Community Engagement.



Membership Secretary

I chose to join the Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch Network as I want to live in an area where I feel safe, happy and connected. I learned of this organisation after burglaries in my local area and decided to volunteer some of my time after leaving full time employment. Learning and sharing information to help us to feel secure where we live and work is important to me and my neighbours. I look forward to meeting more of you and sharing knowledge to help us all.



Board Member

I decided to join Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch Network committee as I value my local community and want to make a difference with living in a neighbourhood that has an agreement to watch out for each other's safety and know that I can turn to my neighbours for support. It brings people together to help create safer places to live and work. I have lived in the Royal Borough of Greenwich all my life and know the difference between a community that can work together with other agencies and police to really make a difference. 



Board Member

Rashmee is a local Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator who is passionate about bringing together her community.  As an journalist and academic Rashmee uses her skills to develop her scheme and promote Neighbourhood Watch to local partners




Dan is a Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator in Woolwich.  Dan believes strongly in the power of Neighbourhood Watch to bring communities together making them more resilient, engaged and welcoming. He combines and encourages charity and community events alongside crime prevention and victim support to bring multiple benefits to communities and their surroundings. He is also a member of his local Safer Neighbourhood Panel in addition to the Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch Network. Dan is a primary school teacher, husband and father. 




I am a long standing coordinator with Neighbourhood Watch.  I am also proud to be the chair of Greenwich Independent Advisory Group, who act as critical friends to police, making police aware of how communities feel and respond in times of critical incidents.  I am also a member of the Safer Neighbourhood Board in Greenwich.  I am a keen photographer. 

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